Poor CURRA was abandoned and left alone in a field at the age of 7 months old and left to fend for herself!
When we were told about her and went to rescue her, we found this very pretty white Podenca who despite being very thin, malnourished and unwanted was so very loving and trustful . All she wanted to do was play with us and be loved.
She has been in our care now for 3 months and has made such progress! She is a really sweet girl who started off in our puppy refuge, but now is strong enough and happy to be with the other bigger dogs.
She gets on so well with them all, loves all the volunteers and is incredibly friendly with everyone she meets who is willing to play and spend time with her.
She doesn't ask for much just a nice warm bed and a family to love - she will be such a devoted little dog!
Please help Curra by making a donation if you can.
Thank you.

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