Born approx January 2014
One of a litter of 9 that were born in the campo, where they miraculously stayed & survived for 2 whole months thanks to the love and dedication of their mum.
As they got older and started to become more mobile, we knew that if they were going to survive, so they had to be moved out of the campo ASAP. A desperate plea was made and amazingly a lady came forward and offered to foster all 9 of them.
She is a goodhearted lady but was already over stretched with the amount of dogs in her care, so the little pups spent their first few weeks outside, confined to an outhouse/bathroom. With good food and no worry of illness our pups soon outgrew their family sized bathroom and were moved inside 6 weeks later.
And this is where they grew up, but now Esmee needs a new home as she has now been moved to a refuge, as the lady can no longer care for her.
Esmee is the smallest of the litter. She loves to play and will make a great family dog, after the initial familiarization period.
If you would like to adopt Esmee and give her a permanent home, then please contact us on

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