Posted by Website Admin, With 0 Comments, Category: Dogs for Sponsors,

This blue-eyed beauty was found under the hood of a car, after a 30-minute drive to Rute, when she was just a kitten. She was rushed into our shop by the driver, hoping for our help. And help we did, we all fell in love with this little creature and decided “to keep her”.

She can be found in our store every day, where she is the mascot to all the cats that are in GPAR’s care. She also has the important task of helping us test dogs on their cat-friendliness;
Pelusa is fearless and always in for a cuddle

(Minimum donation 15€)

Note: If you would like to sponsor using a credit card you can do so via PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account in order to make a payment with a credit card.

Contact us for more information about PELUSA

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