Una galga atigrada se ha perdido o ha sido robada en la zona de Iznájar, en el sur de C...

Encontramos este perrito adorable de 2 meses en una cubo de basura.Llevamos con él una semana inténtandole encontrar una casa sin suerte. El es un perro encantador, ama a la gente. ¡Su nombre es Jimmy. ¡¡¡Es increíblemente obediente para su edad! Llámeme si le gusta él por favor. Estaría bastante feliz de buscarle una buena familia. Mi nombre es Lucas y mi tlf. 689851851. Un abrazo.
We found this 2 month old adorable pup in the bin. we've had him a week now trying to find him a home with no luck, as where I live most people have re homed dogs. he is an absolute gem, loves people. don't want to take him to the pound so as a final attempt I thought I would put him on here. his name is jimmy, he has been de fleed, no worms, loves jumping in rivers, very timid, and unbelievably obedient considering his age ! let me know if you would like him, I am quite happy to bring him to you within reason, Lucas 689 851 851.